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Stacy Omorefe

In Our Backyard

“Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute. Speak up and judge fairly; defend the rights of the poor and needy.” Proverbs 31:8-9

While we were in the US this Spring Johnbull and I attended the Freedom Summit, which was held at the Levi Stadium- the new home of the San Francisco 49ers. The Freedom Summit is put on by the Bay Area Anti-Trafficking Collision (BAATC). The mission of the BAATC is to equip and engage individuals, civic groups, and non-profits with best practices to sustain in the fight against human trafficking in the San Francisco Bay Area and beyond. They work to build collaboration between local non-profits to establish a stronger continuum of care among victim service providers, and educate activists about how to sustain in their continuum of engagement to intervene on behalf of those who are enslaved. It was such an honor to be there with so many people who have wonderful hearts and passion to bring an end to this terrible injustice. It also brought home that human trafficking is happening EVERYWHERE and victims need us to be alert and aware. Their lives depend on it.

As we sat there listening to all of these amazing freedom fighters talk about their organizations and ministries and ways that they are reaching out to people in need of freedom I was so inspired. Inspired to do more. Speak out more. Pray more. One thing I realized more than ever is the importance of being obedient to the call of God.

The three things that have brought us to the place where we are today in our ministry are faith in our God, trust that He is all that He says He is and obedience to do what He has called us to do. What an honor to give away my life so that others can live in freedom. This life of being “laid down” isn’t always easy but it is worth it.

It is my desire to highlight a few ministries around the world…possibly in your back yard…who are doing amazing things to bring freedom and justice to the voiceless. There are so many ways to get involved in this movement. If you’re not doing anything now to help set the captives free it is my hope and prayer that God speaks to your heart.

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